Saturday, October 07, 2006

Understanding what an Iraqi insurgent really is.

Mercenary - Definition from the Geneva Convention

A mercenary is any person who is specially recruited in order to fight in an armed conflict, who takes a direct part in the hostilities, who is motivated by money and is promised substantially higher pay than that paid to other combatants of similar rank, who is not a national of one of the countries involved in the conflict nor a resident of a territory controlled by any of the parties, is not a member of the armed forces of any of the parties, and who has not been sent by another country on official duty as a member of its armed forces. (Protocol I, Art. 47)A mercenary does not have the right to be a combatant or a prisoner of war. (Protocol I, Art. 37)

Just something to think about the next time you hear shouts for protection for prisoners from Iraq.

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