Monday, June 13, 2005

Thoughts on the news coverage of Iraq

I've been watching the news lately and I am getting pretty upset at what I am seeing. All that the major news stations talk about are the bombings, soldiers getting killed, and every other bad thing that they can pick up. I want to hear about some of the other things that are happening like the school and the medical clinic that I took part in opening as well as the park and city sewer and the power distribution center that we helped get going. I want to hear about the evil people that we helped capture and the kids that we brought shoes and toys to. I am very upset with how little the people that I talk to actually know about the good things that are happening over in Iraq. All most know is that the death toll of American service members is about 1700. They have no idea that about 1/3 of those are heart attacks, vehicle accidents, deaths from falling, and other every day mishaps. I don't care why we are there, all I know is that if we leave now all we are doing is causing more people to suffer and that will cause hate, and it will be a hate that we earned. All you see on CNN, ABC, CBS and the others is Abu Garab and the supposed flushing of a Koran in Cuba. Show the photos of the executions, beheadings, gassings and every other thing that has been done to these people over the years. We have a long way to go and I say we stick it out! Don't let people that can't see past their own BMW's hood emblem sway us away from this good cause. Show your support and if you don't know what is actually going on, try asking a soldier that has served over there how he feels about the kids that are on their patrol route or the people that are so poor they make our homeless look like kings.

Let me know how you feel about this....I can't be the only one!

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