Wednesday, June 22, 2005

American Soldiers are being called Nazis!

Senator Dick Durbin has been calling the American Soldiers Nazis and says that our prison facilities are no better than the Soviet gulags. The last time I checked, neither of those groups cared about prayer time, special meals or any other human rights that we as Americans hold dear. Sure, interrogation isn't a pretty sight but we are not harming or killing our prisoners like they are doing in Iraq! You'd never see any of our soldiers chopping the head off of a prisoner or anything like what they are doing to our people. I am sick and tired of our own so called "leaders" running down our hard working soldiers while they sit in their fancy office and live with no risk to their lives or property. These people have no idea what it is like on the battle field and are only making comments like that to gain political points with the portion of the country that is against this war. If people want to comment on conditions for prisoners, they should live like the militants are making our people live for awhile and see who has the better deal. Any of the things that we have done to the detainees that might seem foul to the American people is more like a joke on a frat member than the treatment they could expect from the enemy. Has everybody forgotten that we were attacked by middle eastern people? Have they forgotten that they kill their own people by the truck load? Have they forgotten that we are helping improve the lives of millions of people by giving them the freedom to control their own lives? War is not pretty so stop trying to make it a game. People get hurt, rules are broken but at the end of the day we can hold our heads high and know that we acted with honor and like soldiers. Every one who thinks otherwise be damned!

I REALLY want to hear your comments on this one. Please let me know how you feel!

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