Saturday, September 09, 2006

Soon it will be September 11th.....9/11 five years later.

Its been five years since that tragic day and things have taken a turn for the worse. I'm not talking about the war in Iraq or politics, I'm talking about that fact that most people seem to have forgotten about what has happened or who caused it. It appears that here in Washington state the library system in one of our counties wants to remember this day by not talking about what actually happend, instead thet will speak of the experiances of immagrants during the turn of the centuary. That would be fine in itself but they advertise this as a way to remember the events of 9/11.

I guess its ok to remember this day as long as you forget the actual details of what happened.

I want people to remember exactly what happened and who did it! It wasn't us!!

It was a group of cowards that hide behind women and children because they know that they can't take us on one on one.

They kill women and children because its easy!

The people killed on 9/11 had nothing to do with them, they were not soldiers or diplomats, they were mothers, fathers and husbands.

I am angry about what happend five years ago and you should be too! We should post the pictures of the hijackers on billboards so everybody remembers who attacked us and we need to educate our children properly on this subject.

I will continue this topic more in the next few days so please share your thoughts with me and my readers.

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