Saturday, December 10, 2005

Lies!!!! Or are they??????

I had a reader complain about the quotes that I posted awhile back. This person seems to think that I'm playing a game or trying to be funny. I never wanted this to be about politics, I wanted to use this space to share my thoughts about comming home, give a different view on the events in Iraq and maybe give out some useful information.

What I can't stand are people that "forget" what they have said in the past to attack our President because they think that the people will turn on him. They set themselves up to gain from this mission in Iraq if WMDs were found and now that they aren't turning up in the numbers that we had expected they cut their support, call the President a liar and forget that they were saying the same exact things back in the 90's.

Stop following the party line and open your eyes to what is going on. Stop following the Kerrys and the Moores or the Clintons. Look at what is really going on and not just eat up the one sided view of the media. Look in to things for yourself, talk to the soldiers that have been there and who will go back. Ask us how we feel about putting our lives on the line in Iraq because we are the ones taking the risk for these people and not you, not the actors in Hollywood or the Dems in Washington, but us!

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