Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Smoking ban passes in Washington State

Well it is happening, your rights as a business owner to choose how you run your business are being taken away. A new law in Washington State will be put in place on Dec. 8th 2005 to ban smoking in bars, restaurants and other privately owned establishments. What ever happened to the right of a consumer to go someplace else if they didn't like the way a business was run? If a business owner wants to only offer service to people over 6 feet with pink hair they should be able to and allowing smoking or not allowing it should be their right as well.

What happened to freedom of choice? If you don't like what I say you have the right to stop listening, if you are offended you have the right to leave, if you don't like eating or drinking near smokers GO AWAY! I had somebody tell me that they were offended by my cigarettes so I told them that I was offended by their breath and that they should leave before I complained to the police.

We have home owners groups that can put a lien on your home for painting it an un approved color or having a flag pole that is too big. The state can tell business's how to run their stores.

I guess I'd better check the state approved dress code before I leave the house.....I wouldn't want to offend anyone!

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