Saturday, August 06, 2005

In response to some comments I received about Gitmo.

I never said that our troops were perfect. I am sure that some of the detainees aren't being treated with kid gloves but it angers me when the media wants to hang our government and our soldiers every change they get. They NEVER come out and call for a terrorists head on a platter after a beheading, but they want our soldiers ruined after taking some STUPID pictures in Abu Ghrab. Lets say a detainee dies of an actual heart attack in gitmo.... The press will blame it on the way he was treated even if nothing "bad" actually happened, by the time the story is dropped, the guards and the unit in charge have been drug through the mud so much that the American people will assume the detainee died of abuse. If a reporter has two stories in front of them to pick from, they will ALWAYS pick the one that is about a soldier screwing up, or getting blown up.

Nobody except our local papers EVER reported about the schools that we opened, the medical clinic that we opened, the sewer that we put in, or the power we brought to people that didn't have and electricity before we came to Iraq.

The media is doing a great disservice to the American people by only reporting the part of the story that they think will sell advertising or the parts that back their political agenda.

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