Sunday, February 04, 2007

The trial of Ehren Watada begins tomorrow.

This is not a hero, this is a coward!

This is a hero!

Click here for his full story.

Tomorrow Lt. Ehren Watada will stand before a court-martial panel at Ft. Lewis Washington.

There are many out there that think he is doing what is right by refusing to deploy to Iraq because of personal convictions and some of those people will show up to support him tomorrow.

As a soldier that has served a lot longer than this young man, I for one will be following this case to its end.

There are some things that those of you that have never served need to think about.

He joined after we invaded Iraq of his own free will, he failed to file his request to resign his commission before his unit was called up to deploy, his choice to become a soldier caused him to willingly give up some of his rights like the right to free speech, soldiers can choose the life but not choose when, where, or how they will be used.

I could never explain to those out there that have never lived the life of military service exactly how much our lives change after putting on that uniform but we all put the uniform by choice and not by force. We lose the right to make a lot of our own choices in life but most of us do that so YOU are protected to make your own.

I have known some soldiers that were big and bad during times of peace but as soon as real bullets were being shot at them they wanted to turn and run like this LT.

To me they are all cowards, I'm not a big bad super soldier but I did make a choice, a choice that takes me away from my family for long periods of time, a choice that puts me in the field in harsh conditions with little sleep and comfort, a choice that could get me killed someday.

In the end, it was my choice and those that want to back out on their decision before they have completed their duty are filthy, lazy, cowards. They are not an example to be held up for the public to honor but an example of selfishness, lack of character and should be shunned.

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