Saturday, October 08, 2005

Response to comments from my last post

This post is for the person that left the long winded comment in my last post about the uninformed. Click here to read the comment.

I am educated and so are my men. Everybody on my crew has atleast an AA if not a BA, mine is in electrical engineering. We are the highest educated fighting force that America has ever fielded so I can tell that you are far removed from the American soldier. I can tell you what makes a terrorist, poverty like none you have ever seen in America, a lack of hope for tomorrow, a life that isn't a life. That is what I saw when I arrived in Iraq. Have you been there? Have you seen the new look of hope in the faces of the young and old alike? Have you seen the warm welcome and the thanks that the Iraqi people offer up to the American soldiers? I think not! If you had you would know that we are doing the right thing by offering those people a chance to choose their own life, to be free of a mad man. I don't know where you get your "facts" but maybe you should put your boots on the ground and see for yourself like I have and will do again! Stop swallowing everything that people like Michael Moore are feeding you because it is full of slander, half truths, and utter nonsense.

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