Tuesday, January 09, 2007

See the latest Saddam video - Warning Noose Damage -

This is a graphic video of Saddam after his hanging.

Please preview this before your kids see it as it isn't a pretty sight but at least we know that he is dead!

Good luck to the Iraqi people, the devil is dead!

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

More troops to be sent to Iraq?

I know I don't want to leave my home and family any time soon but if they want more troops in Iraq then I'll go in a heart beat. I want to see this job done right and not screwed up like Viet Nam was.

When I say that I mean by the one sided press that likes to show nothing but American blood and the folks in D.C. that want to get back at President Bush.

The only reason we will loose in Iraq is if we allow those outside of the military to dictate how the war is fought and when we come home.

Send us! Send 300,000 more. Allow us to grow our total force to the Cold War status and own every inch of Iraq if that is what it will take.......Just let us do our job!

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Friday, January 05, 2007

The Truth About Muhammad

I heard this the author of this book on the radio today and thought that he had some good information about the prophet Muhammad and Islam.

Have any of you read it yet? If so please pass along your thoughts because it will be a week or so before I have the time to pick it up.

Robert Spencer
The truth about Muhammad

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